Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Hey Facebook and welcome to yet another movie review! What movie will I be reviewing? Well as you can tell from the title of this post, yesterday I went to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 and honestly I ABSOLUTLEY LOVED IT!!!!!!! This is one the best movies I've seen this year! What exactly did I love? Well first the characters! Hiccup is great in terms of main characters he's determined, curious, and all around just a likable person you could ever watch! There's Astrid, who I liked from the previous movie so what more can I say other than she's funny and entertaining for a supporting female character! Than there's Ruffnut who was my favorite character before and while she's not as involved in this movie as she was in the last one she still was able to make me laugh sometimes! As for the rest of the previous characters not really much has changed with them if you liked them in the first film than you'll like them in this one! But the highlight of the film are the new characters! First there's Eret, who was the villains's henchman but he's a jerk with a heart of gold! There's the villain Drago, WHO LET ME TELL YOU, is the coolest bad guys I've seen in a while! This guy is one of the most intimidating and menacing villains I've seen in a film in a long time! This guy reminds me of cross between Scar from the Lion King and Firelord Ozai from Avatar The Last Airbender! THAT PRETTY BAD!!!!!!!! But by far the best character (who happens to be my profile picture) is Hiccup's Valka! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I have never watched a more likable heroine and loving mother! She's brave, she's funny, she's kind she's caring! She's just an overall joy to watch! Overall if you like the previous How To Train Your Dragon you'll ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2! It's a sequel done right!