Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hey Everyone! A question I'm always asked is..."what's your favorite movie?" That's always a very hard question to answer because my favorites change constantly! So I thought that I would do a list of my current favorite movies! Please bear in mind that this is all opinion based! If you haven't seen any of these I HIGHLY suggest that you do! And if you have I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! With all that said let's begin my Top 10 Favorite Movies As Of Right Now!!! 10 - Pokemon 3 Spell Of The Unknown. Ok I loved Pokemon growing up! Not so much now, I kinda grew out of it! But out of all the films in the Pokemon series! This is the one I keep coming back to! It is beautifully written and it's one those films that I can watch over and over again and enjoy more and more each time I see it! And it's all because of one character! Molly Hale! Molly is one of the best characters I've ever watched! She's a character I can't really explain you just need to watch the movie to get why she's so great! 9- Nightmare Before Christmas! DO I EVEN NEED EXPLAIN THIS ONE???? NIGHTMARE IS GREAT!!!!! GREAT CHARACTERS!!!!! GREAT STORY!!!! GREAT SONGS!!!!!! Next entry!!! 8 - Fox And The Hound! This is such a great film! This is one those movies that a lot more people should check out! It's a Disney movie that's extreamly underrated by most people! It's got great characters and awesome songs it's one you really should check out! It's a story of friendship, romance and adventure with some of the most memorable characters you'll ever watch!